Thursday, 4 November 2010


We've been struggling with getting access to the internet so we are way behind with the news and photos. The connection today is so slow that again no pictures, but those of you who have been to India will not be too surprised. We are now in Jaipur the largest and most important city in Rajastan and it is chaos it makes Delhi look well organised. Thankfully the hotel is a haven of serenity and the kid's kites are competing for air space with their bird namesakes.
Talking of birds we spent a wonderful afternoon at Bharatpur; birdwatching by cycle rickshaw with a 60 year old Sikh guide was excellent, perhaps the RSPB could copy the scheme for Minsmere! It was a bit early for most of the northern migrants to have got this far south, except for a couple of Lesser Whitethroats, but the resident Painted and Open Billed Storks, Herons, Anhingas and owls made up for their lack. The stars of the show were the mammmals, Jackals, Swamp Deer and Blue Bull Antelope alongside the Peacocks and a stunning Sarus Crane. Movement around the reserve on foot has been restricted since a Tiger took up residence a month ago, nevertheless it was such a relief to hear birdsong rather than car horns!