Monday, 3 June 2013

Spain 2013

Have been here a week and only just got round to putting pen to paper so to speak, the pressures of organising this birdwatching are taking there toll(not really I,m just lazy). The journey down was trouble free; Salamanca was frantastic and well worth stopping off at and comes highly recommended by both of us.
Despite our worries managed to meet the 7 in Madrid airport without any issues and even sqeezed in some birdwatching on the way to the hotel. The best being 4 Montagus Harriers,a pair either side of the road, in the air for twenty mins, even managing a food pass. The next day in Monfrague National Park was brilliant; sunny weather and fantastic birds. The raptors excelled with amazing views of Spanish Imperial, Bonelli's and Booted Eagles and all three vultures almost in view at every turn . Not to be outdone Black-eared Wheatear, Subalpine and Dartford Warblers put on a good show.
Today we were out on the plains with 17 Great Bustards seen before breakfast. Later we managed to sort out the 5 lark species on song and watched Rollers, Beeeaters, and Short-toed Eagles before it got too hot, so came back for a cold beer!
The accommodation is very good and even provides good birdwatching in the garden as the photo shows.